Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Let know
where flow
is caught
in a thought
in minutes
in cords
in steps
in laughter
in a drop
in a mirror
in faith
in u
and most of all
let know when flow
is caught in a
wish to come.
Others than ones that
simply blow minds and
leave treasures of hearts
behind. Ha..?!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Another walk.

We Can say there is a regret in my head for not doing old connections firm and active. Being alone for a long time with always new people coming and going it made sense that ur always alone. As only constant in life u and ur self with relationship with outside, that is like changing photocolage.
Walking the old paths by the river is very much walking old memories. Obviously not for u to remember the old times but seeing something old with new eyes. Or old as something new.
U seat, observe. Water flow, birds, trees, and ur IN(the moment and time and self). U go home , u connect with that through what ur good at. We named it Art, and than u find ur self again, seeking the connection, to what we call greatness. Expressing, reacting on a great experience of being there, complete by the river on that walk, than make it art it appears to be an actual cut. As if ur cut ur self from the flow and allowing ur self to step into one moment where something great revealed to/through u.
And only after coming out creation u r glory about making it happen or doubt for not doing it well u seak human factor to connect and compare . U can step so in in out of the view u r broth up that feeling closeness of belonging seams important. It is also the thing that pushes u back into ur own path of searching, understanding. or simply just letting be without putting it somewhere.

Yet exciting knowledgment is that cuts becomes not so clear and they start to fade after accepting this new views and let them flow, with no big in and out reality jumps.

Monday, March 7, 2011

sweetest thing..

The road may roll in front.
but means nothing
if my step dont follow!

Roses red and blue,
my favorite things.
As river goes around red stone,
My dwelling heart jumps of joy
makes eyes not look for more.

..and ears can hear.

U know ur
my my my
just like that.
Damn, i like my
favorite sweetest thing.
Makes me go in front,
gives meaning to road.

Oh, what is up falling down?!

A woman without a favorite sweetest thing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A poem!

slowly 's going
to slow.
impatiente i get.
hungry, confused.
thinking nothing will do..
than sad ill be again.
i see i see
love and peace
they make me flow
this life, this choice
another and again.

fast , slow, so strong.
show, go, ill say
feel, be, make sense.

i can let go
wish is more.
to little is to understand
against what is known.

by, Nina, jajaja