Soft light, tears go down…sadness the lady is visiting sometimes. Comfort in words always I find even if heart can’t read why all this squeezing round his part.
Oh, my lady, dear friend u became, I’m use to having u much I don’t really feel attention leading towards what others are saying u r about.
I think ur just a woman, that once was a girl. Memory got stuck in u and u don’t know how to set it free..
So I love u for that, compassion, my bracelet I’m giving to u.. always u will know ur welcome, don’t worry..time made me big!!! ” ..
..wanted to sing in ur ears, but language was the barrier and I too got stuck in silence. Instead I put my arms round u and put u closer to me. “ I love u”, and its hard to see u sad.Oh, my lady, dear friend u became, I’m use to having u much I don’t really feel attention leading towards what others are saying u r about.
I think ur just a woman, that once was a girl. Memory got stuck in u and u don’t know how to set it free..
So I love u for that, compassion, my bracelet I’m giving to u.. always u will know ur welcome, don’t worry..time made me big!!! ” ..
Larisa had a situation in her family, was worrying and now she is gone. I know she is close, yet her smiling face is missing and her “EIAAAAAAAAAAAA” shout before she crossed the door line.
In a mean while things are happening. Undercover police is working in my brains trying to get all RoRow family in Slovenia…I belive it’s a good plan, but situation in SLO is bad as in the rest of the world and money doesn’t lay in the streets anymore..a matter of speech that is.

Ana Paula is a shining star. Her chocolate glazed skin is soft and tender, her face fractures are well done master piece. She is so beautiful I could stare in her forever…and that is a long time.
She will roll her top down, make some occasional wind that slips through the window door , coming to fresh her skin.
Beyonce , her dvd concert, was in full power. Ana Paula would shake like Beyonce, when cought in view she would smile like the ocean tide with her “diamantes” on her teeth..
I came home a bit late from fitness. Done weight lifting and pilates at the end..great felling when pain enters ur brain and u control it with breathing so that u feel how air penetrate through pressure “nuts” that happens when body starts to resist and wants to get away from work out.
Came home, food was ready. Energetic Dido cooked macaroons with salsa . Creamy look with some “Irelands” of meat and yellow corn was delicious.
Not even taking shower I ran up to meet girls. Aline( Ana Paula’s cousin) and Ana Paula were there..talking(cachacacha(have no idea how to write it)small talk) got turn into serious question..Ana Paula whispered, while patting my knee:” Nina people wonder why ur here, leaving all behind, ur family, friends, singing..!? And u wanna stay here. Why!?” .
Sometimes I forget not the whole world already knows. I pore my self a bit more courage of thinking I speak portouges and went into explanation…” I had troubles with my voice. They became big enough for me to stop. And after a while I remembered I always wanted to travel.. Went to inquirery for the tickets when a surprise info was putt as a challenge on a table and I took it and left for USA the very next morning…huge surprise for me , family , friends…remember I went to see the travel agency for tickets for Asia and after an hour lady said, but tomorrow morning there is a very cheap ticket for San Francisco. I had my best friend living there…Urša!!!”(That time wasn’t still shore if life is a coincidence or a well prepared path)(yes, now I do )
”..driving back home, having one hour to make a decision and pay for the ticket I called another best friend Adela telling her we should meet since im leaving tomorrow for 3 month..she laughs..than said WHAT!??!? It’s a joke right!??! I said…mmm.. NOP…I think I will really go!! “Alone???” she countinuoe..( I didn’t even thought of that) just said:” YES, im going alone!”
Big click in my head and excitement . This was big for me and it change my life..for better, of course. Than 3 months turned into 3 years”, ( at that moment I realize im always living what I do…it was never really a was a mission all a long)..
What a different point of view was back than. The end turned into a new beginning of something so new and beautiful..would never imagine that im going to seat here one day, talking with her and Aline in a land that was always to far country to even think of going...
hi babe, take care with 'cachaça' hahaha :P i love reading your words... kisses